Monday, 27 August 2007

Blog decommisioning

Jo da, her var det slutt no for tida. Æ må takke aill sammen, dem som kom langt herifra og hjelpet med det siste på båten, og dæm som hjelpet med å lage god fæststemning. Koselig å sjå dokk, og vi møtes igjen snart. Men alt om båten, sægling ok sånn fortsættes på denne nettsida, - -- en god haug bilder om byggingen, sjøsettningen og tur, tilsætt med toillat og alvorli ord (desverre bærre på Engelsk)

Well, that’s the end of this blog for now. I must thank everyone who helped so much with the whole enterprise - the rest of my family, the Camuscross Steering Group, people of Camuscross and elsewhere who appeared in such great numbers with all their boats, John Urquhart, and all the foreign nationals who came such a long way to add the event and to help with last minute building. And of course Fergie MacDonald for the great music.
You will find more boat stuff here: - a load of photos plus captions, on the building, the launch and trips in the boat.

Uill, sin e airson an drasda. Mìle taing dhan a h-uile duine a chuidich leis an latha air fad – an teàghlach agam fhìn, muinntir Camaschros is daoine eile a nochd nan aireamhan mòra leis na bàtaichean aca, Ian Urchartan airson am beannachadh, agus an ainmeachadh ghrinn a rinn e. Agus Fergie Dhòmhnallach is a chòmhlan, a rinn an danns as fhearr aig an robh mi riamh!

Chi sibh tuileadh mun bhàta – togail, cur air bhog agus turais seòlaidh, le fo-sgriohadh(gu mi-fhortanach anns a Bheurla) - an seo Uill, se sin e, ach naach math gu bheil an fhacal mu dheireadh aig a Ghàidhlig, mar am bu chòr! Tha mi an dòchas gun fhaic mi sibh uaireigin a’ siubhal uachdar na mara, falmadair is sgòd nar labh!

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