Friday, 27 July 2007

Serious update!

1)Frames and ribs finished
2) 'Skottrogn' made from one branch
3) The stringer
4) Susan (mum) planing
5) Gavin (dad) cooking up delicius tar mmmm!

Click on thepictures t see largr versions

Ska vi sjå,,,,, ja, heilt ferdig med innved, til og med ekstra dampbøyd spant som en båtbygger på oya - han faktisk eied båten før oss - tilråde att jeg burde sett inn. Er godt i gang med dørken (gølvet), Aaaaaaa, må være ferdig med alt som må smøres med tjære til sluttet av neste uka!!! Jared kommer 6 August, Liv dagen etter, vet ikke om resten om resten,

Lets see, yep, completely finished with frames, and steamed ribs - put in on the advice of a boatbuilder in the north of skye(he actually owned the boat at one time) Good progress with the floorboards, Aaaaaah, only a week until everything that needs tarring has t be finished!!

Nis, ceart ma tha - ullamh leis na raingeanan - saibhte agus air an smùid-lubadh. Air deogh adhartas a' dheanamh leis an ùrlar. Aaaaa - chan eil ach seachdainn ann mus bith a h-uile rud a' dheumas tearadh a bhith deiseil!!

Oh, and then there was als the stringer, the long horisontal bit which runs under the thwarts and is attached to all the frames

Monday, 9 July 2007

Hei. Nesten ferdig med band. Går bra, skal gjør ferdig skottrognet og sett inn stimete inn i mellom de som er saga ut i denne uka,

Hello Almost finished with the frames. Going fine, should finish the 'skottrogn' as they say in Norway - a big v-shape frame made from swept grain timber (ie the grain follows the shape of the frame). That should give the bow section strengt i a sea! Also goig to pt in steamed ribs in between the sawn ones.

Halo Gu bhith ullamh leis na raingeanan Dol gu math, am beachd an 'skottrogn' mar a tha iad ag rath ann an Nirribhidh, raing mòr a tha a dol an an cumadh 'u' ann an toiseach a bhata, air a dheanamh le meur mòr a tha a' leantainn cumadh a bhata. Am duil raingeanan smùidte a chuir a-staigh eadar na feadhainn a tha ann.

Fisk fisk fisk! (x55)

Slekt var oppe forrige uka, og vi dro ut å fiske rett ut i vika, fikk 55 makrell i 2 timer, Etterpå røykte vi dem med ek - kjempegodt!!

Had family up for a week. Went out fishing, caught 55 mackerel in 2 hours! Smoked them with oak bits left over from boat frames. Delicious!

Càraidean suas airson seachdain. Chaidh sinn a-mach a' dh'iasgach, ghlac sinn 55 rionnaich ann an 2 uair! Bha sinn gan toiteadh le darach. Air leth math!