Og hva har jeg gjort siden jeg måtte ”bynn å jobb orntli”, etter Tjerand og Paul dro? Det har vært litt stopp og start - jeg er desverre ike helt frisk som fersk sjømat, etter min langvarig skjukdom - buuu! kjedelig! Et lite bord måtte lages tre gang før det ble klinkt fast! Men det var framskritt det òg - i går stevndelen som tok c.a. ei uke i laging var sett trulig fast med tre store bolter! Se bildene.
Også lagg merke til pinnen som kalles for vannpinnen eller varternaglen. Hvis det kommer vann imellom de to delene av sjøten i stevnen, så vil vannpinnen trutne og tette seg it hulet, og forhindre sjøen som prover å snike seg inn i båten.
Går bra da, et bord stimt og putte inn i båten for å ta form - se siste bilde;
So what have i done since Tjerand and Paul left, and I have been obliged to get off my arse and get a shift on? Well, unfortunately its been a bit of a slow start due to the evil plague which has plaugued me evilly is still lingering a bit. A bit dull, and the reason, I think for having to make a small plank 3 times! Oh, well third time lucky as they say. There has been progress, though - yesterday I put the stem part that took a week finally in place, with glue and tar and sweat and blood and sikaflex and Big Bolts!
Note the water stick (?) Not sure about the validity in English of this term... which swells up with any incoming water and prevents it getting any further.
Progress is being made however - steamed and stuck a plank in the boat today, as can be seen from the last photo.
Uill, de tha mi air a dheanamh bho nuair a bha T agus P an seo airson mo thòiseachadh air an obair. Gu mi fhortanch chan eil a h-uile latha air a bhi cho soirbheachail sin – tha mi fhathast a sabaid earball an tinneas ràsanach agam, ach tha e a toirt a shàil leis mu dheireafdh thall! Is e sin as aobhar gun robh feum gam aon nbord beag a dhèanamh 3 tursan, tha mi cìnnteach. Ach tha adhartas mhath ann, claiginn toiseach air ath-ùrachadh, agus a chur an sàs an dè, le glaodh is teàrr is mastaic is tri ghàd mòr is cnothan air gach ceann. Gabh aire ris a mhaide-uisge, a tha ag àt le agus cur stad air uisge sam bith a’ tha a’ tighinn tron alpadh, agus cuideachadh le bhith cumail do chasan tiorm anns a bhàta!
Dealbh mu dheireadh a’ sealltainn cho fad’s a tha mi air tighinn an dràsd – òrd eile ’sa bhàta an deidh smùideadh.
Også lagg merke til pinnen som kalles for vannpinnen eller varternaglen. Hvis det kommer vann imellom de to delene av sjøten i stevnen, så vil vannpinnen trutne og tette seg it hulet, og forhindre sjøen som prover å snike seg inn i båten.
Går bra da, et bord stimt og putte inn i båten for å ta form - se siste bilde;
So what have i done since Tjerand and Paul left, and I have been obliged to get off my arse and get a shift on? Well, unfortunately its been a bit of a slow start due to the evil plague which has plaugued me evilly is still lingering a bit. A bit dull, and the reason, I think for having to make a small plank 3 times! Oh, well third time lucky as they say. There has been progress, though - yesterday I put the stem part that took a week finally in place, with glue and tar and sweat and blood and sikaflex and Big Bolts!
Note the water stick (?) Not sure about the validity in English of this term... which swells up with any incoming water and prevents it getting any further.
Progress is being made however - steamed and stuck a plank in the boat today, as can be seen from the last photo.
Uill, de tha mi air a dheanamh bho nuair a bha T agus P an seo airson mo thòiseachadh air an obair. Gu mi fhortanch chan eil a h-uile latha air a bhi cho soirbheachail sin – tha mi fhathast a sabaid earball an tinneas ràsanach agam, ach tha e a toirt a shàil leis mu dheireafdh thall! Is e sin as aobhar gun robh feum gam aon nbord beag a dhèanamh 3 tursan, tha mi cìnnteach. Ach tha adhartas mhath ann, claiginn toiseach air ath-ùrachadh, agus a chur an sàs an dè, le glaodh is teàrr is mastaic is tri ghàd mòr is cnothan air gach ceann. Gabh aire ris a mhaide-uisge, a tha ag àt le agus cur stad air uisge sam bith a’ tha a’ tighinn tron alpadh, agus cuideachadh le bhith cumail do chasan tiorm anns a bhàta!
Dealbh mu dheireadh a’ sealltainn cho fad’s a tha mi air tighinn an dràsd – òrd eile ’sa bhàta an deidh smùideadh.
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