Monday, 27 August 2007

Blog decommisioning

Jo da, her var det slutt no for tida. Æ må takke aill sammen, dem som kom langt herifra og hjelpet med det siste på båten, og dæm som hjelpet med å lage god fæststemning. Koselig å sjå dokk, og vi møtes igjen snart. Men alt om båten, sægling ok sånn fortsættes på denne nettsida, - -- en god haug bilder om byggingen, sjøsettningen og tur, tilsætt med toillat og alvorli ord (desverre bærre på Engelsk)

Well, that’s the end of this blog for now. I must thank everyone who helped so much with the whole enterprise - the rest of my family, the Camuscross Steering Group, people of Camuscross and elsewhere who appeared in such great numbers with all their boats, John Urquhart, and all the foreign nationals who came such a long way to add the event and to help with last minute building. And of course Fergie MacDonald for the great music.
You will find more boat stuff here: - a load of photos plus captions, on the building, the launch and trips in the boat.

Uill, sin e airson an drasda. Mìle taing dhan a h-uile duine a chuidich leis an latha air fad – an teàghlach agam fhìn, muinntir Camaschros is daoine eile a nochd nan aireamhan mòra leis na bàtaichean aca, Ian Urchartan airson am beannachadh, agus an ainmeachadh ghrinn a rinn e. Agus Fergie Dhòmhnallach is a chòmhlan, a rinn an danns as fhearr aig an robh mi riamh!

Chi sibh tuileadh mun bhàta – togail, cur air bhog agus turais seòlaidh, le fo-sgriohadh(gu mi-fhortanach anns a Bheurla) - an seo Uill, se sin e, ach naach math gu bheil an fhacal mu dheireadh aig a Ghàidhlig, mar am bu chòr! Tha mi an dòchas gun fhaic mi sibh uaireigin a’ siubhal uachdar na mara, falmadair is sgòd nar labh!

Camuscross Boat Day

The big day dawned, somewhat indiscernibly. It was cloudy and dull with a forecast of rain later. There was still work to be done, but there was that feeling of anticipation in the air… along with the clouds of midges. The sails were all packed up, bits and pieces gathered together. The last bolts were bolted on. But somehow or other we were still attaching the rudder straps – quite vital, for no rudder means no sailing – at 3.00. The launch was scheduled for 4.30. Gavin and I drilled while Susan flapped a board to keep the midges away! Then there was the hoisting of the boat onto the trailer - by this time it had started raining, so the fortunately midges had retreated. So with much heaving and ho-ing, and balancing and cursing, we had the boat hoisted onto the trailer and tied securely. Great thanks to Ronan, who at about 6’4”, arrived in the nick of time to help with lifting. Then a brief reprieve for a brief repast, and it was time to trundle the boat down the hill to the shore.

It was an inspired decision by the Camuscross Steering Group that turned the launch into a community event. And what a day it turned out to be! As Gavin trundled in the tractor down the steep hill from the top road, our contingent in procession behind the boat, we could see that there was at two score of craft in Camuscross bay. It really looked like Dunkirk beach in 1940!

When we unloaded the boat and placed it on the shore, it looked like about 100 people were standing along the shore road. When they all gathered around to hear the launch ceremony, it seemed there were more like 200. I started, telling of how the boat had left the sea in no fit state those years ago, and how it was now ready to return. Then we had a song led by the Scandinavians, “Hvem kan segle forutan vind” – a sailing song about friendship, before Donnie MacKinnon of Camuscross led “Mo chulaibh ris a bhaile seo” a song about a sailing man from the village. Then, local minister, John Urquhart, blessed the boat with a blessing from Carmina Gaedelica, before naming her “Gobhlan Gaoithe” – Swallow - literally “Fork of the Wind” in Gaelic. He said he hoped that this swallow, like the swallows that nested in the barn she was built, would go off on many exciting journeys, and would always safely return with her precious cargo. Then the boat was launch, and as the crew was carried on board by bewetsuited kayakers, there were cries of “look”, as several swallows swooped and dived over the bay.

We had a fine, if wet journey round to the next bay, Eilean Iarmain. Malcolm and I played the pipes as we left, the entire flotilla accompanying us, and once we got the sails hoisted, we had enough wind to make some speed. We rowed continually just for that bit extra speed, and sailed the last bit to the pier after rowing through the dornie. We were welcomed on pipes by young Christopher MacDonaldfrom the village. Then drookit and cold, we headed back to the house for a dry out and a whetting of the appetite and thirst, before making our way to the grand dance.

Probably the best dance (that’s ceilidh dance for those coigreachs) I’ve been at, It was the very man himself, the world famous Fergie MacDonald and his band, who were playing. Chris MacDonald again played his pipes, and I did a spot playing for a Strip the Willow, and we all danced till the sweat dripped off us. It was brilliant! Well, by the end of the night, I think I finally believed that Gobhlan Gaoithe was now a finally sea-going craft!

That last hectic week

For a while I had lost touch with the outer world – the world beyond the confines of the boat shed, the smell of tar and woodshavings, and the next problem to be overcome concerning which piece of material would suffice, and how to measure up that gap to fit it… With the arrival of visitors from various parts of Europe ( first Jared, coming from Norway, then Johannes from Germany, Machiel (NL), Liv (NO), then on Friday, Jess, from near Dundee, Paul, an American living in Edinburgh, Claire from Nethie Bridge, Sean from Ayr, and finally Gulli and Joe in their van from Forres) the small world began to open up. But I still couldn’t believe that “the boat” – the term that encompassed what I had been working on flat out all summer – could actually become a sea-going craft, and actually sail!

Everyone did their bit in some way or other, and all the necessary hard work had been accomplished by 11pm on Friday night ( I remember battling in raging midges, in the dark, to get that final floorboard finished) It felt good, and there was good cheer what with 11 visitors, but the boat still wasn’t done!

Na gobhlain gaoithe - The Swallows - Svalene

For about three years - approximately the same time period over which I had been repairing the boat – a pair of swallows have been nesting high in the cross-beams of the shed, right over where I had been working. They have been incredibly understanding, tolerant neighbours – not filing a single complaint even with the whine of electric planers, the angry scream of a grinder or even the incessant bangbangbangbang of clinking (clenching). And if Radio nan Gaidheal or similar was blaring out across the boatyard, occasionally one of the swallows would let out a torrent of chattering chirping – but whether in appreciation of the likes of Ian “Costello” MacIver, or to warn them off – I’m not sure why. They would only ever become distressed if there were a throng of boat-interested people crowding the doorway. It only needed one person to move out of their way, and then they would happily zoom in at breakneck speed, just avoiding your ear, to bank and turn, shooting up to the nest and then flapping, hummingbird-like, to carefully negotiate into the nest and feed the chicks. The pair of them would be at it continuously, alternatively zipping out on short trips to swoop and dive collecting insects, and back again into the shed to feed their young. I got perfectly used to the “whoof” sound of one narrowly passing my head. Their co-ordination at speed must be amazing.

Then, after both clutches had been hatched and flown, they would set off on their autumn journey over land and sea to warmer climes – maybe to Europe, maybe as far as South Africa. I read that some experienced birds may be able to return in about five weeks at a speed of about 300km per day! I’m sure they will continue to return, and their offspring continue to shite on the boat from their nest! for migration stuff

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Cha Mhòr Ullamh!

God dag, her har det blitt litt mindre travelt med nesten alt gjort sm må gjøres, Jared ankommet i går i ettermiddagen. jeg sto i båtskottet og lurte på om han hadde klarte å finne seg fram til Skttland i det hele tatt - og pluttselig var det noen sm bankte på døra. åpnet døra, der sto Jared! Han bare dukket opp! Javel, nå får jeg hjelp med det siste på båten

Så -
Dørken - gjort
dekket - gjort
Tegn vannlinja - gjort
gjør ferdig "gunwale" - gjort
Smøre båten - gjort

Hello there, here's the list så far. Almst everything is done. and Jared has just arrived t help with the last of it.

Floorboards - done
Deck - done
Draw the waterline - done
Finish the gunwale - done
Tar the bat - done

Nw we just have t wait fr the tar t dry - a little alaming. considering the winter weather what with north wind and relentlesss heavy rain! oh well fingers crssed for the week ahead

Madainn mhath agus ciamair a tha thu? Tha cha mhr a h-uile rud ullamh a-nis agus tha Jared dìreach air nchdadh airsn cuideachadh leis na tha air fhàgail.

Se na chiadh a dhenamh bhon turas mu dheireadh a sgriobh mi-
loidhne uisge a tharraing
beul (gunwale)

Friday, 27 July 2007

Serious update!

1)Frames and ribs finished
2) 'Skottrogn' made from one branch
3) The stringer
4) Susan (mum) planing
5) Gavin (dad) cooking up delicius tar mmmm!

Click on thepictures t see largr versions

Ska vi sjå,,,,, ja, heilt ferdig med innved, til og med ekstra dampbøyd spant som en båtbygger på oya - han faktisk eied båten før oss - tilråde att jeg burde sett inn. Er godt i gang med dørken (gølvet), Aaaaaaa, må være ferdig med alt som må smøres med tjære til sluttet av neste uka!!! Jared kommer 6 August, Liv dagen etter, vet ikke om resten om resten,

Lets see, yep, completely finished with frames, and steamed ribs - put in on the advice of a boatbuilder in the north of skye(he actually owned the boat at one time) Good progress with the floorboards, Aaaaaah, only a week until everything that needs tarring has t be finished!!

Nis, ceart ma tha - ullamh leis na raingeanan - saibhte agus air an smùid-lubadh. Air deogh adhartas a' dheanamh leis an ùrlar. Aaaaa - chan eil ach seachdainn ann mus bith a h-uile rud a' dheumas tearadh a bhith deiseil!!

Oh, and then there was als the stringer, the long horisontal bit which runs under the thwarts and is attached to all the frames

Monday, 9 July 2007

Hei. Nesten ferdig med band. Går bra, skal gjør ferdig skottrognet og sett inn stimete inn i mellom de som er saga ut i denne uka,

Hello Almost finished with the frames. Going fine, should finish the 'skottrogn' as they say in Norway - a big v-shape frame made from swept grain timber (ie the grain follows the shape of the frame). That should give the bow section strengt i a sea! Also goig to pt in steamed ribs in between the sawn ones.

Halo Gu bhith ullamh leis na raingeanan Dol gu math, am beachd an 'skottrogn' mar a tha iad ag rath ann an Nirribhidh, raing mòr a tha a dol an an cumadh 'u' ann an toiseach a bhata, air a dheanamh le meur mòr a tha a' leantainn cumadh a bhata. Am duil raingeanan smùidte a chuir a-staigh eadar na feadhainn a tha ann.

Fisk fisk fisk! (x55)

Slekt var oppe forrige uka, og vi dro ut å fiske rett ut i vika, fikk 55 makrell i 2 timer, Etterpå røykte vi dem med ek - kjempegodt!!

Had family up for a week. Went out fishing, caught 55 mackerel in 2 hours! Smoked them with oak bits left over from boat frames. Delicious!

Càraidean suas airson seachdain. Chaidh sinn a-mach a' dh'iasgach, ghlac sinn 55 rionnaich ann an 2 uair! Bha sinn gan toiteadh le darach. Air leth math!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

(24/6)Ferdig med bord! Planks finished! Buird ullamh!

Nå kan jeg vikelig si at bordlaging er ferdig, slutt, gjort. Finito. Itjno meir bord å gjørre! De er nå å begynne på band (trebiter som går på tvers i båten for forsterking )

I can now finally say: Yaaay! Last plank finished. Now the frames (commonly called ribs) have to be sawn. and chiseled and put in the boat.

'S urrainair a ràth a-nis gu bheil na bùird ullamh, deiseil, finito. A-nis tha na raingeanan ri thòiseachadh (Na pìosan tiugha foadh a tha dol tarsainn aig astaran cunnbhalach airson nearteachadh)

(19/06) The danger of assuming a "My boat is holeyer than thine" attitude

One shouldn't assume greater piousness than others, or even Pie-essness. Anyway, holey boats have a greater tendency to sink. The moral of this story is that finishing those planks that I promised would be finished already in a previous post, aren't - because of various setbacks: a rotten bit that I stuck my thumb through in one plank, and old iron nails ripping holes in another plank. Ah well, all's well that ends well.

(10/06) Not a patch on the old plank!?

No, not one patch, but two. They're screwed on over the old scarph joints to stop them pivoting and the new plank, running the lenght of 3 old ones, assuming the wrong shape.

Saturday, 9 June 2007


Det er massevis av kjøtt i fryserene her som må spises. Her ser dokk et bilde av a) pølser (som rimer på tølse!) som er heimlage, b) storfryseren, som er stappfull. Legg merke til høvelen, som er plassert i bildet for å vise hvor mye kjøtt det virkelig er! Det er også ein fryser til som er halv så stor. Dem som kommer her for på besøk kan få store porsjoner kjøtt for litegran arbeid!

There is a large amoutn of meat here which must be eaten up. Above you can see a picture of a) homemade sausages, b) our big freezer, which is full to the brim. A wood plane has been placed in the picture in order to give a sense of scale. There is also a further freezer, half the size, also ful. Anyone who comes on a visit can get large portions of the stuff in exchange for a little work!

Tha uimhir mhòr de fheòl an seo a dh fhèumas ithe. Faic os cionn airson dealbh a) de isbeannan a rinn sinn fhìn, b) an frìsear mor againn, a tha loma làn. Chìthear locair anns an dealbh a sheallas dìreach de seòrsa mèudachd air a bhil sinn a' bruidhinn! Tha frìsear eile ann cuideachd, leth'n mhèudachd, cho làn ris a chiad. Dheagh duine sam bith a thigeas an seo a' cèilidh beagan feòl airson beagan ceòl (uill, beagan obair co-dhiu, ach chan eil an aon ring to it!)

Et omfar til!

Another strake!

Stràc eile!

Et omfar til var i dag klinkt fast. Det er 3 bord til (et omfar og en halv) igjen å gjøre. Regne med att oppbording blir ferdig kl.16.47 på Onsdag! Må i hvertfall være ferdig omtrent da for å ha nok tid for alle de andre ting som måå gjøres...

Another strake clenched in place today. 3 more boards to do (about a strake and a half). Planning to be finished with the boards 16.47 hundred hours Wedensday! Have to at least be finished around then to have aenough time to do the rest of the boat...

Stràc eile deiseal an diugh! 3 bòrd eile ri dheanamh (mu stràc gu leth). An dùil agam a bhi ullamh leis na bùird 16.47 Diciadain! Uill, fèumaidh mi bhi deiseal leotha mun uairsinn airson gus am bith tìd agam airson an còrr dhen bhàta thogail...

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Og hva har jeg gjort siden jeg måtte ”bynn å jobb orntli”, etter Tjerand og Paul dro? Det har vært litt stopp og start - jeg er desverre ike helt frisk som fersk sjømat, etter min langvarig skjukdom - buuu! kjedelig! Et lite bord måtte lages tre gang før det ble klinkt fast! Men det var framskritt det òg - i går stevndelen som tok c.a. ei uke i laging var sett trulig fast med tre store bolter! Se bildene.

Også lagg merke til pinnen som kalles for vannpinnen eller varternaglen. Hvis det kommer vann imellom de to delene av sjøten i stevnen, så vil vannpinnen trutne og tette seg it hulet, og forhindre sjøen som prover å snike seg inn i båten.

Går bra da, et bord stimt og putte inn i båten for å ta form - se siste bilde;

So what have i done since Tjerand and Paul left, and I have been obliged to get off my arse and get a shift on? Well, unfortunately its been a bit of a slow start due to the evil plague which has plaugued me evilly is still lingering a bit. A bit dull, and the reason, I think for having to make a small plank 3 times! Oh, well third time lucky as they say. There has been progress, though - yesterday I put the stem part that took a week finally in place, with glue and tar and sweat and blood and sikaflex and Big Bolts!

Note the water stick (?) Not sure about the validity in English of this term... which swells up with any incoming water and prevents it getting any further.

Progress is being made however - steamed and stuck a plank in the boat today, as can be seen from the last photo.

Uill, de tha mi air a dheanamh bho nuair a bha T agus P an seo airson mo thòiseachadh air an obair. Gu mi fhortanch chan eil a h-uile latha air a bhi cho soirbheachail sin – tha mi fhathast a sabaid earball an tinneas ràsanach agam, ach tha e a toirt a shàil leis mu dheireafdh thall! Is e sin as aobhar gun robh feum gam aon nbord beag a dhèanamh 3 tursan, tha mi cìnnteach. Ach tha adhartas mhath ann, claiginn toiseach air ath-ùrachadh, agus a chur an sàs an dè, le glaodh is teàrr is mastaic is tri ghàd mòr is cnothan air gach ceann. Gabh aire ris a mhaide-uisge, a tha ag àt le agus cur stad air uisge sam bith a’ tha a’ tighinn tron alpadh, agus cuideachadh le bhith cumail do chasan tiorm anns a bhàta!

Dealbh mu dheireadh a’ sealltainn cho fad’s a tha mi air tighinn an dràsd – òrd eile ’sa bhàta an deidh smùideadh.

Monday, 28 May 2007

Tjerand and Paulæs visit to Skye

Se bildene/see the pictures/faic na dealbhan @

På 19/05 kom Tjerand og kamerat Paul på besøk til Camuscross, Isle of Skye for å hjeple med båten. (Begge går på Chippendale møbleskole nær Edinburgh). Om natten gikk vi til barbecue og så folkedans (kallet for ceilidh dance), i det Gæliske college. Det var mange vilde jenter der! På Lørdag jobbet vi på båten, på diverse ting, og Tjerand gå meg råd om bord og stavn, og så at nei, jeg trenger ikke og skifte så mange bord. Nei det her skal gå bra, du blir ferdig om 4 uker! På lørdags kveld gikk vi til skuespill, eller "Pantomine", et Britisk fenomen some er kjempe artig! I puben etterpå hørte vi om "Knarrbringeren" fra ein kar Gus: når Vikingene brukte og dra ut og røve og drepe, og plyndre hjelpeløs småbygder i Skottland for gull, dyr og treller - så var den største, sterkeste, fineste kvinne som de funnet og fangt i bygda kallte for en "Knarrbringer" (En Knarr var vikenes største, bredaste lastebåten). Mer bygging på Søndag - Tjerand for eksempel rivet stamnen i stykker! (Toppdelen må erstattes på grunn av dårlig reperasjon). Når de gikk, de fire ukene att jeg trengte for å gjør ferdig båten hadde minsket til 1!!

Tusen takk Paul og Tjerand for hjelpet!

On 19/05 Tjerand and his friend Paul came to Camuscross, Skye to help with the boat (they’re both at Chippendale furniture school near Edinburgh). They came on a Friday – and we went to the Gaelic college, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, to a barbeque then a ceilidh dance – there were a lot of wild girls there!. On Saturday we worked on the boat, on various things, and I got some good advice from Tjerand – he said, naaa, you don’t need to replace al these planks – in fact you should be finished in 4 weeks! Saturday evening we went to a pantomime, then off down the local pub, where local character Gus was on top form. Did more on Sunday – most noteworthy was Tjerand’s dismantling of the stem of the boat (It really needs replacing). When they left on Monday, the 4 estimated 4 weeks for completion had shrunk to one!!

Thanks a million Paul and Tjerand for the kelp and giving me a kick start!

Air 19/05 thàinig Tjerand agus Paul a Camus Crois, air an t-Eilean air cuideachadh a thoirt dhomh air a bhàta(tha an dithis aca aig sgoil àrnais Chippendale faisg air Dùn Èidinn) thàinig iad Dihaoine, chaidh sinn gu danns aig colaisde SMO - far an robh grunn nigheanan lùth-chleasach! Air disathairne bha sin nag obair air a bhata, a’ deanamh diofair rudan. Thug Tjerand deagh chomhairle dhomh – gu h-àraid nach eil feuam agam ach bòrd neo dhà ath-ùrachadh. Bìdh thu deis ann an 4 seachdainn, thuirt e! Air an oidhche chaidh sinn gu pantomime, agus an uairsinn sios dhan taigh òsd, Am Praban, far an robh Gus – abair caractar – ann an fonn mhath. Rinn sinn tuilleadh Di-dòmhnaich – thug Tjerand an posda toiseach as a chèile! (Tha feum air ath-urachadh air sgath droch chàradh). Nuair a dh’fhàg an dithis, bha iad ag ràdh gum bitheadh mi deiseil ann an seachdainn!

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Bord! Planks! Buird!

Endelig vi har fatt bord til båten! Masse fine lerk bord. No skal det bygges!
(Desverre har jeg vært sjuk med en ond virus, så jeg har ingen energi - båtbygging fortsetter derfor i ei uke.)

Finally we've managed to get hold of planks for the boat - very nice larch. Now PROGRESS can be made! (Unfortunately I have been plagued by an evil virus whcih has left me without energy - boat-repairs will therefore continue in about a week)
Mu dheireadh thall tha sinn air buird fhaighinn - deagh learach daingean. Bi adhartas ann a-nis! (Gu-mi fhortanach tha mi air a bhi tinn le droch fhuachd, a tha air mo lagachadh - feumaidh obair-bàta toiseachadh a-rithist ann an seachdainn)

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Attention all boat building personnel!

Ja vel, velkommen til bloggen til båten til familien til Fergus! Her (på denne siden) skal det skrives om hva pågår i båtskottet (ok, rommet ved sida av fjøset), og hvor mye fremgang det har vært siden siste gang. I bildet øverst, ser du dit båten skal: fra den store vika påvenstre ut til høyre og over horisonten!

Båten skal sjøsettes på XXXXXXXX
-Reperasjon begynner 21 Mai- Båtreperatører trengs!


Alle som har interesse for å komme til den vakre Isle of Skye i sommer, bare kom! Det har ikkeno å si om de kan ikke bygge/reparere båt - the more the merrier! Det er nok å gjøre - maling, plugging av hul(!), fisking, bading og masse jobb kring gårdet. Høymakking, grøftegraving, veibygging, trehogst - ka som helst dok har løst te, vi kan finne opp!

Og etter sjøsettningen, blir det selvfølgelig segltur! Plass til kanskje 6 (c.a. ei uke?)